Penney De Pas Penney De Pas

Books - 'The Art of C.O.R.E.'

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The Art of C.O.R.E., Inspired by the 21-Day Challenge Series using Communication, Organization, Responsibility & Excellence

Combining art and inspiration, "The Art of C.O.R.E., was created incorporating the motivational text of Dan Nzinga's 21-Day Coaching Challenge series with a catalog of Penney De Pas' watercolor and acrylic paintings into a "coffee table" fine art book, 8.5" x 8.5". Use this stunning book to inpire you daily and regale your eyes with the accompanying text and illustrations.

The 21-Day C.O.R.E. Challenge is a coaching program that gets people into action around a goal, project, or desired outcome that they have not yet been able to achieve as they had hoped. . The program dives into the disciplines of Communication, Organization, Responsibility, and Excellence. The application of C.O.R.E is never-ending improvement is these areas on a personal level, group, or general society. The concept presents the possibility of focusing on these 4 principles as an opening to improving everything else you desire.

At the time of publication of this book, De Pas and Nzinga have not yet met in person. Having both completed the Landmark Forum, they were on a WhatsApp group together during the Covid-19 pandemic when the George Floyd murder prompted discussions about race. Nzinga offered to have a phone conversation with De Pas about the topic. Very shortly into the discussion, they found more commonalities than differences. De Pas agreed to participate in Nzinga’s 21-Day C.O.R.E. Challenge out of which she created some projects on which they could collaborate, this book being a combination of Nzinga’s precepts of the 21-Day C.O.R.E. Challenge illustrated by De Pas’ art work.

We hope this volume will intrigue those who have not done the 21-Day C.O.R.E. Challenge into considering participating. For those who have already completed it, this book will remind them of the C.O.R.E. concepts, by presenting those principles in a new way and encouraging ongoing application of those essential ideas. At the very least we, hope the art work and text inspire, touch, and motivate you.

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